Thursday, October 16, 2008

Methane Harvesting

Interesting article on harvesting methane from landfills. Makes me wonder if I should keep composting...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Cafe Mam

I have been looking for 'sustainable' coffee, which I don't think is entirely possible. I have found the tastiest, most afordable, least guilty version though! Today is our first day drinking Cafe Mam, a small company that produces organic fair-trade coffee. The organic obviously contributes to sustainablility. Also, all their coffee is grown in Mexico, which is closer to the US than most other coffee centers, so there is a lower transportation footprint. And fair trade just makes me sleep better at night. I am writing this post though because it is DELICOUS. We are currently drinking the Tango, although we will soon be trying the Trinity and Othello blends as we work our way through the first sample order. Yum.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holy Cow on Two Fronts

Amazon is selling all things cloth diaper. While I initially loved this idea, I was horrified that they are charging 37$ for an 18$ diaper! WTF?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Will it work on a burrito?

We have essentially eliminated purchase of plastic bags, largely due to reuse of bread bags and use of tupperware. We have not, however, been able to shake off the aluminum foil demon. Until now. I will probably have to wait until we move to allentown to try these wrap-mats, but I can't wait. I will post a review of them when I do.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time to empty out my trunk

Here is a great tutorial on fusing grocery bags to make burly reusable plactic bags. If only I had found this before I spend 36$ on mini wet bags for Cayden's diapers. Daycare insists on individually bagging his diapers, even ones that are just wet, and even though we have a large drawstring wetbag for them to use. Consequently, the trunk of my car is filled with grocery bags to recycle. If you have ever seen the trunk of a 1991 Volvo sedan, you know that is A LOT OF BAGS!!!!! Thankfully they have agreed to use the washable bags we bought. Now all I need to do is find my iron...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I was listening to NPR tonight while cooking dinner, when this story came on about DuPont investing 140 million in cellulosic ethanol. It has been driving me crazy that every one is harping on how biofuels are causing the world food crisis, which is a crock. Corn-based biofuels (which are at best carbon neutral) are contributing, but you can make biofuels out of a hell of a lot more than corn! DuPont has apparently recognized this. Hopefully more companies in the commercial sector will jump on the non-food (or food waste) biofuel bandwagon.